onerealfunnyguy’s Games
[ ] Practice yoga [ ] There is no trash [ ] Create the highest quality pet food available [ ] Feed & Foster 1 million pets [ ] Teach yoga [ ] Seek balance [ ] Peace on all worlds
Master of Shenanigans & Tomfoolery
[ ] Practice yoga [ ] There is no trash [ ] Create the highest quality pet food available [ ] Feed & Foster 1 million pets [ ] Teach yoga [ ] Seek balance [ ] Peace on all worlds
Swim 16 miles without losing my breath Walk 1/2 mile on my hands Juggle a machete, hatchet and ax we’ll standing on a ball What are your goals?, Everything else is a game not to be won or lost just to be played! Life happens in the movement not the words.
The most amazing property turned into a rats nest by these to ratas and their Rat King father! 🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐀🐁🐁🐀🐁
73 of the 75 Best Hot Dogs in the US
For our next trick, i’ll demonstrate how to update Home-Assistant using Cockpit and bash in docker.
VirtualBox – Docker – Home-Assistant the Open Source Tools Used Update the ova to debian 9 Stretch Updated Home-Assistant to version 0.57.1 Install Virtualbox Install debain log in via ssh (putty on windows) su – apt-get update apt-get upgrade apt-get install sudo git […]
VirtualBox – Docker – Home-Assistant
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